Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well, checking to see if anyone is still reading... My son picked out a movie tonight that I was sure was going to be crap. He generally has good tastes, but sometimes likes stuff because it's "counter." I'm still giving him shit about making me see "Smoking Aces" (Argh, what a terrible movie.)

He picked Idiocracy because it starred Luke Wilson (Owen Wilson's smarter brother..)
What we both didn't realize was that it was written and directed by Mike Judge (Office Space, King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead.)

While not perfect, it as very entertaining, and not a bad premise about evolution no longer selecting or the smartest or fittest. There are a set of very funny interviews in the beginning with a hi-Q couple talking about how it's not the right time to bring a child into the world, while a lo-Q "gentleman" ends up with hundreds of descendants.

Most of the movie takes place 500 years in the future (I'll try not to spoil too much) and the President is a hoot, driving around on a giant tricked out chopper trike with his cabinet, and his wresslin' garb as his presidential uniform!

While not as brilliant and well executed as Office Space, it's definitely worth a look.

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