Saturday, February 23, 2008


The Wall Street Journal Health Blog used this photo from my "remix" set to illustrate an article on "the medical equivalent of bubble wrap. I placed a statement in the set that you were free to use these to remix in your own art without credit. I had applied a creative commons attribution license to them as it was the most liberal flickr would allow.

My thinking was that as long as it was an element or a texture, go ahead and use it. I did put in some language to the effect, don't try to pass it off as your own. I never imagined anyone wanting to use any of these as an illustration in their own right! The Wall Street Journal editor who used my photo generously credited me and pointed back to my flickr photo, for which I am grateful. In fact I'm excited that it might draw somebody to my stream.

It was a lesson for me also, on licensing. I stated on the page:
"Feel free to remix. All I ask is that you don't sell it as is. You are free to sell your own artwork which incorporates it. Just don't be a troll."

I didn't want someone profiting strictly by stealing. I didn't even think someone might want to use it by itself. I'll need to keep that in mind when choosing licenses for anything, that I have any reservations about use.

365 Self Portraits Week 5

Day 29 - Party

Had a hard time getting anything done, with a kid staying home sick, and generally getting off to a bad start. My wife talked me into meeting her with the kids at a company holiday party (In JANUARY!) and it pretty much salvaged the day. So you are stuck with pretty much the only self portrait I shot today.

Day 30 - Rest before Activity

I know, lots of people have askd me (winking) "what kind of activity?" Well, really I just felt like changes are coming and I am preparing for them.

Day 31 - Toes

Unable to face myself today. You are probably going to learn a lot about me, like my twisty toes.

Day 32 - Legs

I had a pretty full day, so didn't get around to the 365 till late. Wasn't happy with anything I did so I got desparate rolling around naked with my camera.

Day 33 - Solar Corona

Busy day, filled in as a Sunday school teacher, Worked out and went to a super bowl party, Where I fooled around and came up with this. Too tired now to do more.

Day 34 - Voyeur

Every photographer is a voyeur, invited or uninvited. I caught myself taking this picture through a window of a "hygenic" nail place where the employees were kindof medical uniforms. I'm not sure why they are absurdly short skirts. I felt very naughty taking this.

Day 35 - Frontandback

Wrapping up the week with a multiple exposure Polaroid spectra. You've seen both sides of me now...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

365 Self Portraits: Week 4

Here's the weekly update of my project to take a unique self portrait every day this year.

Day 22

This is the goo side of this.

I never finished scanning this one. I feel stupid because I went to see if I could rinse the cruft off, and viola, a nice negative appeared as all the goo washed off. The box didn't say positive negative, but I looked it up and it was. sigh. I've been throwing them away. and the film is discontinued.This is a screen capture from the scanner's preview window. Alas, next time I will take a full scan just in case.

Day 23 - Unclothed

Shot in window light on top of a dresser. Boy it was cold.

Day 24 - Mason and Me

I felt like doing something a little different. Bring one of my loved ones in. Of course it had to be a funky polaroid, expired film.

Day 25 - Hang On

One of the remarkable things about this project is that the face that Ireveal to the camera isn't always the one I plan or expect. I'm not tosure I like the technical details on this one, and the being offbalance, on edge, was not what I was going for. There is truth there.

Day 26 - Nude ascending a staircase

Ok, sometimes I'm just crazy. Walking up nude from my freezing basement. The blur is intentional to keep your eyes safe.

Day 27 - exposed

I saw the sun on the snow, and had this silly idea. Well, first I had to go to the grocery store, fix a snack for girlscouts and then get my gear together. By then the light was rapidly fading, and not much was going right. In the end, I think it's good, because I have to give myself permission to go with whatever I got, or this project will be too much.

Day 28 - Mind Chatter

Multiple exposure Polaroid Spectra. Sometimes I do feel like my mind if full of junk. Oh and yes, I am in there, just look.


365 Self Portraits Week 3

Here's the weekly update of my project to take a unique self portrait every day this year.

Day 15

It was quite late. I hadn't blown it yet, but I hadn't prepared anything either. I shot a couple of goofy faces at arms length. Someone on flickr had just commented on this daisy scanner photograph I had put up a long timer ago. Hmmm. I had just read about some new (to me) photoshop techniques, so I played around. It's certainly weird. I particularly like the petals coming out of my nose.

Day 16 Windowlight

I was testing a camera to give to a friend, and decided to do a few polaroid image transfers. Turns out the film I had on hand was way out of date, so the colors were a bit blue and dark, but not bad overall. This is a technique I used a lot in my "professional" artist days. You peel the polaroid after only a few seconds, and place the negative (not the print side) down on another type of paper. I like Rives Arches printmaking paper. I then use a rubber brayer to adhere the emulsion and wait 60-90 sec, and then peel.


Day 17 -mydeskmymind

To say that I have trouble keeping things tidy is an understatement. It's often frustrating and gets in my way. This is a polaroid spectra double exposure.

Day 18


Polaroid Image Transfer on Printmaking paper. There's always a bit of serendipity to these, the bubbles and voids.. Sometimes they run the shot, other times they make them.

Day 19 - Shame


I've put on some weight since the holidays, and the weather turningcrappy, I haven't been running. I've been putting off showing any of mybody, but thought I'd get it over with. Kindly look away. The transfers weren't working (I think the film was too old.) and this was the last piece of spectra film I had.

Day 20 Bliss


An odd, busy, paradoxical, happy day.

Day 21 On waking

My wife says the first thing you do is the only thing you can count on getting done. I've been staying up late doing these, so I set up the camera by the bed to take a picture when I got up. This is me waking up at 6am after getting to bed after 12:30. Good thing I got it out of the way because, either I'm totally out of juice or getting sick so going to bed now, and for once, not doing this at midnight.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

365 Self portraits: Week 2

Working on catching up. I think I'm on week 5 now.

Here's the weekly update of my project to take a unique self portrait every day this year.

This second week has really made it clear to me how huge this commitment is! As I usually run out of time every day, I've been doing the portraits at 10 or 11 pm. It definitely has worn down some of my resistance to picking up a camera that has built up with a long absence from photography.

Day 8 Finally daylight

But never one to do anything easy, I darkened the room, sat in my meditation chair and pulled my Pinhole-holga-polaroid contraption close. I then focused on my breathing for 25 minutes.


You always knew I was an alien.The camera for this was a Chinese Holga medium format camera that I ripped the lens off of and replaced with a pinhole. It was taken with a polaroid back (which cost 4x what the camera cost)The film is interesting in that it requires you to sponge on acoater/lacquer to preserve it. Whew done before 3pm. One thing that was interesting about this shot was that I darkened the room hoping it to be the right amount of light, and counting somewhat on serendipity. As I was meditating, the light changed coming from the roller shade, but I just breathed, experienced it, totally prepared to do something else later if it didn't work out.

Day 9

I started the day with another pinhole experiment. I opened the pinhole when I got into the shower, and closed it when I got out about 15 minutes later. Couldn't see more than a ghost, so I had to come up with something else.


I've reconnected with several old (as in since I started flickring) flickr friends through comments on the 365days project. Looking again at their photos, both old and new got me to dig out my spectra. My shower experiment with the pinholga didn't reveal enough of me, so I thought I'd try a different Polaroid.

A tip o' the hat to:

Day 10


Well, still in the shower mode, with the spectra. The light was nice, but I knew I was inside the minimum focus distance. I liked it enough anyway and didn't really have anything better. Well, there were a couple of other shower pics:


I kindof liked this, but as I had had several freak shots in a row, I rejected it as my daily selection.

And this one...


I thought was too goofy.

Day 11

Day 11

I took a shot of my daughter washing her hair, and then double exposed myself on it (remember, these aren't digital, but polaroid instant film.) It turned out to have a lot of tension. Some people seem to find it creepy. Well, if you can't stir the pot a little, you aint no artist!

I have shot more than just self portraits as a result of this project. I took a single image of my daughter and worked it in photoshop to get this:

Which I was pleased with.

Day 12

It ws really late, as you can see from the monumental bags under my eyes. I shot this using my LCD monitor as a light source. The original was in color, and I hated how blotchy my skin looked. I've learned a few tricks about converting to black and white that give much better results than the automatic methods, and I came up with this dramatic pose.

Day 13

Gasho is a Zen gesture of gratitude. I can't seem to wipe the frown off my face lately, so I bow, and give way... a little

Day 14

another spectra double exposure, shirtless with side light. Cropped from the original.

WooHoo! only 50 more weeks to go.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

365 Self Portraits: Week 1

Art and photography are very important to me. Unfortunately in recent years, I have been making less and less time for my art. I had heard of groups over at Flickr where the idea was to take one photo a day, no matter what for a whole year. Some of the groups are any photo, and try to have themes for each week (not required) and others are selfportraits only. I joined one of each, but committed to myself to do one selfportrait everyday. This would fulfill the requirements of both groups, and give me the option of doing something different for the non-selfportrait group.

I have done self portraits in the past, but not that many, and I always feel funny doing them. I don't particularly like looking at myself in the mirror, and these days it really underlines the difference in how old I think myself to be and how old I am or am looking.

Here's a recap of the first week:

Day 1.

Actually I got started a day late on Jan 2. Because it's a leap year, I still get to do 365. Ok, nearly missed this one too. Got started at about 11pm. I had these battery powered xmas lights:

Ok, mostly I was glad to have the first one done. Whew!

Day 2

Ok, 11pm again. Well, lets play with fire. And a mirror. Could be fun, could be cliche'.

This one was more technically challenging. I manually adjusted the white balance and set up the tripod and whoops! forgot to turn the flash off:

I debated about using this one, but felt that maybe that was cheating. Using weird effects to draw attention from my ugly mug didn't feel very honest. I ended up using the shot I was going for and eventually got:

Day 3

I don't really know what I was thinking. It was close to midnight and I have this funky color changing Hotei lamp. I didn't feel like setting up lamps and I started playing around and kindof liked the contact illumination. It's kindof cheesy, but I like the colors:

Day 4

I really wanted to do better today, but the shot I set up was socontrived, I'm too embarrassed to show it. No, you really don't want tosee me in an insect mask with glowing eyes created by shoving LEDcandles in the eye sockets...This was taken balancing my camera on my knee while waiting for a movie(Juno) to start. There was nooo light.

I figured it was better to get a blurry underexposed shot done than nothing:

Day 5

Trying to get outside, I finally did, still at night. 9:30 after my Men's group met. I was kindof depressed, decided to let it all hang out. Also, I removed a lot of the color. it was interesting that my head basically remained unchanged after I had turned all but the red channel down. I brought the green back a bit.

Day 6

Didn't get out again. Hmm, will I run out of ideas? I don't know. I've been eye-ing some of our toy robots for a while. Ended up with a me and my Teddy shot. Had fun playing with this one in photoshop.

Day 7

In spite of a beautiful warm day, in which I actually got outside, I ended up waiting until late again. I had tried to do a street shot similar to this but my first attempt went awry and I was underdressed, as the temperature had dropped quite a bit. Ended up making faces while lying in bed. In the Camera LCD, I thought this one looked like Mr. Clean. Gave it my fake Holga treatment in photoshop. Maybe next week, I'll actually use the Holga (a cheap plastic chinese film camera.)

Are you as tired of looking at my face as I am? I've thought several times this week, is this really worth it? Shouldn't I be doing something more productive with my time? Should I really be writing this article?

Well, one day at a time...

Back to Blogger!

It's been a long time since I've updated this blog. I have been blogging, but in a vain attempt to win Money! Fame! Prizes! over at

It's certainly an interesting community, far more diverse than where I usually hang out, with lots more middle Americans. After a while, the point grubbing got to me. I'll still be updating some content there, but not spending much time there.

What initially attracted me was the fact that it seemed to be a magnet for aspiring writers, and it is true, there's lots of good stuff in the writing contests there. The article editor is pretty easy to use, but the group posting and image browsing are very primitive, especially compared to flickr.

I have earned a $25 Borders gift card, but it seems to rack up the points you have to do a lot of commenting, which, apparently people do, spending lots of time there. Unfortunately, I don't have the time, and even if I did, the wage works out to something like 27 cents an hour, unless you resort to distasteful cut and paste commenting, which I generally equate to spam.